Five Low-Maintenance Pets You Could Own If You Live in A Small Place

 Have you been thinking of getting a pet and have been contemplating which pet is best for you? Well, most people look for dogs and cats. However, these are the kinds of pets that will need a lot of your time and attention. Besides, if you do not have enough space for them to move around freely, and you live in a small apartment, then dogs and cats are not such a good idea. There are several other options for those who live in small apartments and do not have the time to care for pets yet want to have one to interact with and love.

Keeping Fish as Pets Can Be Fun and Easy
You could consider getting fish. Some people believe that fish do require care and attention, but Betta Fish are very hardy. You only have to feed them once a day or get an automatic fish feeder. Things couldn't get better! You can create an enjoyable environment for them by giving them a fish tank with clean water and water plants in it. Put some toys into it like floating rocks for fish to explore and caves too. These things will stimulate their brains. You can fill the bottom of the tank with sand and gravel. Then, the fish can dig into it and swim in and out of it. 
Turtles Make Great Pets and Need Very Little Attention

Turtles are good pets for those who live in small apartments. Consider getting the smallest kind. They eat insects and lady greens, and you do not have to feed them every day. You can feed them four times a week. All you need to do is to ensure that they have fresh water all the time. However, it is essential to keep them comfortable by giving them a big tank to swim around and have fun. If you have a land turtle, it will need to be out of the tank as well. You could give it a cozy, grassy, and sandy area to bask in and create a hiding spot for it as well. Fill the environment with substrates
Guinea Pigs Are Cuddly and Easy to Care For 

Guinea pigs are cute and cuddly pets. All they need is a cage, some food, and water. You can give them bedding too, and they will be happy. Their food consists of fresh vegetables and some pelleted food. You will have to clean the cage daily and do a thorough cleaning about once a week. You would need to separate the males and females before they are a year old, or you will have lots of babies soon. Each guinea pig has its personality, and that makes them amusing pets. If you are looking for a pig that will interact with you more, you will have to get a friendly and outgoing one, so spend some extra time at the pet store and observe them all before you make your choice. 
Hamsters are Entertaining and You Can Hand-Train Them Too

Hamsters are also popular pets for those who live in small apartments. They can be very entertaining and engaging for youngsters and adults. They live for about two years, and there are different types of hamsters that you could choose. You can get a cage that is big enough for the hamster to move around freely, and also one that you can clean easily. Your hamster will need an exercise wheel, water, chew toys, and a food dish. His bedding needs to be soft and absorbent too. They will need fruits and vegetables, besides hamster seed to be healthy. Please provide the hamster will enough options to exercise inside the cage. It will become fat and unhealthy if it does not exercise. 
Hedgehogs Are Cute, But Not Cuddly Pets to Have

Hedgehogs make great pets too. However, they do not like to socialize and would like to be alone all the time. Most of the time these animals can eat cat food, but you can supplement their diets with eggs, cooked meats, fruits, and vegetables. Since they are nocturnal, they make ideal pets for those who have to be away from home all day. They are not cuddly and soft as they do not have fur. They have 5000-7000 quills. You cannot allow your pet hedgehog to hibernate, so you can prevent that by keeping the environment warm. Hibernation is lethal for them, except in the wild. 


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